Common Principles for Uncommon Schools

Nathan Hale High School

Nathan Hale High School Contact Information:

10750 30th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98125

Phone: 206-252-3680

CES Affiliate for 10-15 Years

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With outstanding ratings from parents, staff and students, Nathan Hale High School is consistently recognized nationally as a leader in school reform efforts. Our mission is to ensure that ALL students will become honorable, thinking, skillful citizens.

Nathan Hale High School is an affiliate member of the Coalition of Essential Schools and provides personalization in a rigorous inclusive environment through mentorship, the ninth grade academy structure, tenth grade Integrated Studies program, eleventh and twelfth grade American studies, and the Discovering Mathematics curriculum.

We are proud of the number of students who participate in our sports and clubs, including music, theatrical productions, and robotics. We offer tours to Japan and Spanish-speaking countries. Our C89.5 radio station is nationally ranked and sets national trends. Nathan Hale High School enjoys exceptional parent and community support for our academic programs, activities and athletics through PTSO, booster clubs and the Nathan Hale Foundation.

Additionally, Nathan Hale High School has a building culture of shared leadership, demands a demonstration of mastery, critical-thinking, and values in-depth study, creativity, reflection; believes our students learn by doing; promotes respect, trust, decency, and equity through the school community.

Our 2016 Essential Question:

How do we end the opportunity gaps for ALL students?

Our Competencies and Strengths:

In addition to being a CES affiliated school, we continuously demonstrate a determination to close the opportunity gaps through our Professional Learning Communities which examine units of study, lessons and student work each week, and our Critical Friends Groups (CFGs). The structure of CFG’s engender mutual peer support coupled with honest critical feedback. CFGs are essentially teams of staff, meeting regularly over the school year, with the goal of helping each other examine and improve their own instructional and support practices. Educators meet in CFGs to analyze student work, to read research articles, and to use other resources in order to improve instruction. Each CFG has a specific lens through which educators do this work.

One of our other strengths is our distributive leadership through our Senate and Professional Development team. Staff, students and parents are involved in the development of the school improvement plan through the distributive leadership of our Senate. Similarly, our decision-making process is through our Senate.

Nathan Hale High School staff turnover is exceptionally ow and relationships among staff are highly respectful. We've also examined our school's race and equity issues and how we can close the opportunity gaps for our students of color.
