Fall Forum ’15 Keynote: Kim Carter, Executive Director of the Q.E.D. Foundation

Connected ConversationsKim Carter Pic
The Coalition of Essential Schools has its roots in conversation: a conversation among schools of the core ideas in Ted Sizer’s book Horace’s Compromise.  More than any other source in my life, the Coalition gave hundreds, perhaps thousands, of educators knowledge and skills for meaningful dialogue around meaningful topics. Those ideas, those conversations – and more importantly, the knowledge and skills for meaningful dialogue – are as essential today as they were 31 years ago.  After a brief look at CES roots, we’ll take a look forward at the skills we need for dialogue for our emerging future.

Kim Carter is the Executive Director of the Q.E.D. Foundation, an organization of adults and youth working together to create and sustain student-centered learning communities. With over 35 years of experience in education, she has taught preK through graduate school, and provided training and coaching for administrators, teachers, parents, community partners, and youth in schools and organizations in the United States and the United Kingdom.

As 1991 New Hampshire Teacher of the Year and 1996 New Hampshire Media Educator of the Year, Kim has been actively involved in local and national education redesign for over two decades. Kim is passionate about democratic schooling, educational equity, and learning theory. Her expertise and interests include developing adult and youth capacities for co-constructing learning experiences and co-creating learning communities, designing and implementing highly effective learning and assessments, proficiency based pathways, high school redesign, and leveraging technology in service of all of the above.