thelastoneWe’re so pleased that Fall Forum 2016 participants have been writing about their experiences. If you have written a Fall Forum-connected a blog post or other thoughts, please send them on and we’ll share!

A pre-Fall Forum contribution from longtime CES friend Kathleen Cushman, “Changing High Schools in this Time of Change,” appeared in Education Week’s Learning Deeply blog.

Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School’s head Matt Underwood wrote about his experience with CES on his school’s blog. Check out “The Power of the Coalition of Essential Schools’ Common Principles.”

In “Farewell Tribute: The Influence of the Coalition of Essential Schools & Ted Sizer” John Larmer of Buck Institute for Education, who was with us last weekend as a long-time friend and workshop facilitator, wrote the deep BIE-CES connections, his memories of Ted Sizer. John’s post also offers a wonderful overview of CES’s history and impact.

JoAnn Groh, of the City Center for Collaborative Learning and the Paulo Freire Freedom School wrote “Farewell to the Coalition of Essential Schools” about the  about CES’s impact on her center and schools’ work.

CES staffer Tom Hoffman’s “Dropping the Curtain on the Coalition of Essential Schools” gives you a  little inside baseball on what it felt like to make Fall Forum happen.

And here on this site, CES board chair George Wood shared his post-Fall Forum thoughts in “Thank You, and Next Steps.”

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts, and we’ll keep posting more reminiscences and reflections.