One School’s Alternative for Recording Student Learning

Like several other schools in California’s “Transitions” project, Homestead High School in Cupertino is developing an alternative transcript that more accurately reflects the school’s interdisciplinary courses, project-based learning, and performance-based assessments. Homestead plans to accompany the above with a list of interdisciplinary programs and courses and summaries of the school’s expectations, performance standards, rubrics, and other relevant data. In addition, a conventional “course transcript”describes credits and grades for more traditional courses at the school. Below is a recent excerpt from a draft under discussion:


Student performance in integrated courses is assessed in terms of the Habits of Mind, Knowledge base, Communication Skills, and Habits of Work demonstrated in student portfolios and portfolio presentations. Please refer to the accompanying documentation for descriptions of the curriculum covered in each course as well as the schoolwide standards for Habits of Mind, Communication skills, and Habits of Work. Student performance is assessed relative to these curriculum and skill standards: exceeds standards, proficient with regard to standard, on track to meeting standard (for senior progress check), advancing toward meeting standard, or needs to develop knowledge/skill in this area.