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Welcome to the Online Program Guide

There are over 300 sessions being offered at this year's Fall Forum; the challenge is how to choose among them and make the most of your brief stay in Washington, D.C.!

The Online Program Guide makes it easy to peruse the session possibilities using specific search criteria. Once you find an event that piques your interest, you can locate detailed information about the session and its facilitators with just a click!

Using the "my personal schedule" link above, you can begin to build your own conference schedule and arrive in Washington, D.C. with printed itinerary in hand.

How do I plan my Fall Forum Experience?


  • Browse through the descriptions of all sessions
  • Find out who is facilitating, when and where
  • Use the sophisticated searching tools to easily locate sessions by time, strand, type, and audience
  • Communicate with facilitators
  • Download session-related documents that facilitators have made available
  • Create a conference itinerary (complete with personal meetings)


  • Find out when and where you are scheduled to facilitate
  • Get a sense of who might be attending your session
  • Communicate with participants before and after the conference
  • Upload session-related documents for participants to access in advance and after your session
  • Create a conference itinerary (complete with personal meetings)

NOTE: You must be logged in to use the scheduling features of the Online Program Guide. For more tips on how to use the guide, use the help link to the right.

Please direct any questions you may have to Vanessa Coleman at,

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Page last updated: October 16, 2002
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This site and its contents © 1998-2002 CESNational. All rights reserved.
CESNational * 1814 Franklin Street, Suite 700 * Oakland, CA * 94612
tel: 510-433-1451 * fax: 510-433-1455

General Information
Call for Proposals
Application Guidelines
Call for Exhibitors

Columbus, 2003
Washington, D.C., 2002
Seattle, 2001
Providence, 2000
Atlanta, 1999
Kansas City, 1998
San Francisco, 1997
Student Photo

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