Common Principles for Uncommon Schools

Horace Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2

CES at 25: Changing Schools, Changing Lives: This special Fall Forum double issue offers a wide range of perspectives on the Essential schools movement at the moment of its 25th anniversary. Contributions range from recommending expansion of the CES Common Principles, analyses of ways to sustain the work of CES schools, and personal reflections from CES network educators on the influence and legacy of CES founder Ted Sizer.

A Quiet Voice

One afternoon years and years ago, when I taught at Watkinson School in Hartford, Connecticut, I showed my students slides of contemporary paintings. Jackson Pollacks, Piet Mondriens, Gustav Klimts and Picassos. I was trying to help them see the importance of the work. The students were restless, frustrated, growing more annoyed with me with each passing image. I realized too

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Teri Schrader Topics: Common Principles, Ted Sizer

Always There

Everybody seems to have a short memory, which is why we keep making mistakes in this country. This is supposed to be why we study history. The history of the education reform movement from the 1960s through the 1990s seems to elude 21st century attempts at reform—tremendously sad, because there is so much to learn from the successes and failures

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Dennis Littky Topics: Ted Sizer

CES at 25: The Transformative Power of Principle-Based Education

As this issue of Horace goes to press and with great sadness, we share the news that CES’s founder, Theodore R. Sizer, passed away on October 21, 2009 at home in Harvard, Massachusetts. Ted leaves his wife Nancy Faust Sizer, four children, 10 grandchildren, and a wide circle of loving family and friends. Please visit to learn more about

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Jill Davidson Topics: Common Principles, Ted Sizer

Good Habits

“Mr. —.” Before I looked up from my grade book, I recognized the voice. “Yes, Diana,” I replied. Diana had been in my advisory the previous year as a freshman. She and I had built a strong bond through her struggles as a new student at South Valley Academy. Diana’s smile grew larger, she began to bounce up and down.

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Sean Ottmer Topics:

Horace’s Legacy: Learning with Purpose, A Proposal to Add Two New Common Principles

“Purpose serves as a principle around which to organize our lives.” -Anonymous There’s a story told about a farmer from Nebraska. It seems that every year the farmer grew amazing, award-winning corn. Each summer he entered his corn in the State Fair where it always won the blue ribbon. One year, a newspaper reporter interviewed the farmer and learned something

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Joe Greenberg Topics: Common Principles

How Changing a Life Can Help Change Schools

Changing lives, changing schools, indeed—any impact I have had on changing schools in any way is because Ted and Nancy Sizer changed my life and growth as an educator. In the summer of 1986, I was living temporarily in New York City and thinking about the ways that the big, traditional high school I was working at outside of Boston

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Bil Johnson Topics: Horace's Compromise, Ted Sizer

How Right He Had It

I began my professional life as a bilingual high school teacher in Boston before there was actually much formal “bilingual education” to be had. A small group of great teachers and a hundred willing students new to the United States, we made the best of our city, its people, and its places to help understand the world’s big ideas, and

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Larry Myatt Topics: Horace's Compromise, Ted Sizer

In the Company of Teachers

Every one of us in the Coalition remembers the first time we met Ted Sizer. For me, it was at a small meeting of teachers in Georgia where Ted had shown up to see what they were doing in their classrooms. As usual, Ted stayed in the background, yielding the floor to, as he would say, “The people doing the

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: George Wood Topics: Ted Sizer

Linchpins or Lost Time: Creating Effective Advisories

Central Park East Secondary School (CPESS) in East Harlem was one of the most highly acclaimed and successful schools to come out of the period of school reform in the 1980s from which the Coalition…

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Bil Johnson Topics: Advisories

Loud and Clear

It’s been over 25 years since I first I ran across Ted Sizer’s name. Harvard and Andover? Not in my “set.” Despite those affiliations, some friends of mine said I shouldn’t write him off, and my reverse snobbery was permanently disarmed when I read a piece he wrote for Education Week. My heart sang. Here was someone talking about secondary

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Deborah Meier Topics: Ted Sizer

Sustaining Change: The Struggle to Maintain Identity at Central Park East Secondary School

Central Park East Secondary School (CPESS) in East Harlem was one of the most highly acclaimed and successful schools to come out of the period of school reform in the 1980s from which the Coalition of Essential Schools emerged. Noted progressive educator Deborah Meier founded CPESS in 1985 not as a reform model, but as a continuation of the specific

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Deborah Meier, Dianne Suiter Topics: Sustainability

Sustaining the Mission of CES Schools

As years pass, we all face the general human condition of becoming tired, complacent, and, at times, not interested in further improvements. For example, Samantha, an excellent veteran teacher leader who was a prime mover of the creation of her CES high school 25 years ago says, “After all these years, I can’t believe that I am thinking of transferring

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: April Peters, Carl Glickman Topics: Keeping The Vision

Ted Sizer’s Opening Remarks, Fall Forum 2000, Providence, Rhode Island

Note from the editor: Most Coalition of Essential Schools Fall Forums have opened with remarks from CES’s founder, Ted Size. Ted’s observations reconnected us with our purpose and reminded us that our network is unique, precious, practical, and immeasurably valuable. The thought that Ted shared to launch Fall Forum in 2000, which took place in Providence, Rhode Island, stand as

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Theodore Sizer Topics: Common Principles, Ted Sizer

Ted, Expecting Us

In a roomful of people, Ted Sizer always went right to the kids. I have seen it countless times: With merry eyes and delighted smile, he would adjust his tall frame so he could speak directly with the young one. And then he would ask just the right question about what this interesting person was thinking and doing. You could

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Kathleen Cushman Topics: Ted Sizer

The Value of Core Principles in the Age of Change

As I reflect on CES and its groundbreaking, significant work over the past 25 years, I am regularly reminded of the importance of the core guiding principles, even as the educational landscape changes. I was introduced to the work of Ted and Nancy Sizer as an eager undergraduate in summer program in Andover, Massachusetts sponsored by the Institute for Recruitment

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Adelric McCain Topics: Common Principles

Working with Ted

I never worked “with” a boss before working with Ted at Brown University. I had always known of Ted—he was Dean at Harvard Graduate School of Education when I was a student there, just beginning my teaching career. Ted arrived at Brown University in September 1984. I was working at Brown in President Howard Swearer’s office, creating seminars led by

Horace: Volume 25 | 2009 | Issue 2 Published: December 2, 2009 By: Paula Evans Topics: Common Principles, Ted Sizer