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Common Principles for Uncommon Schools

Horace Volume 8 | 1992 | Issue 4

Essential Schools and State Systems: How Is the Climate Changing?: Explores how state education policies affect reform efforts and suggests some strategies for changing schools when policies do not support reform; includes some examples of far-sighted policy decisions. Download PDF

A Tribe Transforms Its Schools: The Zuni Story

The public schools of Zuni, New Mexico provide a striking example of Essential School principles adapted to a particular community’s needs and vision. When he first launched his native Zuni tribe on school change ten years ago, superintendent Hayes Lewis broke with a larger district to carve out an autonomous K-12 district for this reservation of 9,200. In a series

Horace: Volume 8 | 1992 | Issue 4 Published: October 12, 1992 By: Kathleen Cushman Topics: Community Collaboration

Changing a State’s Regulations: How Pennsylvania Has Done It

Whether they are Re:Learning schools or not, Pennsylvania schools this year received the first unambiguous message that new principles now underlie what the state expects from a public education. The State Board of Education circulated in September a 100-page document that redefines state curriculum and assessment regulations; after extensive public discussion and revision, it will take effect. Gone are the

Horace: Volume 8 | 1992 | Issue 4 Published: October 12, 1992 By: Kathleen Cushman Topics: Community Collaboration

Essential Schools and State Systems: How Is the Climate Changing?

As schools change, states can either help or hinder thier efforts. In California and New Mexico, New York and Pennsylvania, far-sighted policy makers are setting up structures that encourage bold steps in curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. Sooner or later, when schools begin to change in the fundamental ways advocated by the coalition of essential schools, they will run up against

Horace: Volume 8 | 1992 | Issue 4 Published: October 12, 1992 By: Kathleen Cushman Topics: Community Collaboration

NY’s Essential Schools: Partners With The State

In New York, a dramatic shift in the state’s education policy statement has directly involved Essential schools as key exemplars of school change. In fall 1991, as part of their ambitious “New Compact for Learning” reform agenda, the state’s Regents adopted a “Partnership Schools Program” aimed at getting schools to try bold new alternatives to traditional schooling. The first group

Horace: Volume 8 | 1992 | Issue 4 Published: October 12, 1992 By: Kathleen Cushman Topics: Community Collaboration