Farewell from the Coalition of Essential Schools

On March 10, 2017, the following letter was emailed to the Coalition of Essential Schools network.

Dear CES Friends,

As planned and previously announced, the Coalition of Essential Schools’ Executive Board voted in December 2016 to cease the organization’s operations. We’re sending this final email to share information about ongoing access to our resources, the ways you can continue to stay connected to the CES network to receive help and support, and expressions of our appreciation and gratitude.

The CES Website Will Remain Available

The CES website, including CES’s online resources–­­our journal Horace, the EssentialVisions video collection, and the CES Benchmarks–­­will remain available at www.essentialschools.org. We have partnered with the Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School/Theodore R. Sizer Teachers Center to host the site. We have also updated the Horace archive with improved organization and links to all Horace issues as downloadable PDFs. We hope that the CES website will remain a source of information and inspiration to educators, school leaders, students, and everyone working toward personalized, equitable, and academically challenging schools for all students in all communities.

Staying Connected to the CES Network

In addition to these resources, our website serves as a conduit to the CES Centers. The CES Centers are local and national organizations ready to offer technical support, coaching, and guidance to schools committed to the Common Principles. Please visit www.essentialschools.org/ces­-centers to learn more and connect with these organizations.

As well, for a limited time, the CES website is featuring events of interest to the CES network. Please visit essentialschools.org/events for upcoming professional learning likely to be of interest to educators in Essential schools.

Final Thoughts

We are tremendously proud of CES’s 33 years of influence and inspiration­­entirely due to you, the many thousands of educators, schools leaders, students, parents, and community members who have brought Essential schools to life around the world. What an incredible journey this has been! Thank you for carrying on this conversation among friends.

All the best,

George Wood
Chairman, Coalition of Essential Schools Executive Board