CES features resources detailing best practices for creating and sustaining personalized, equitable, and academically challenging schools. These resources include:
Horace, the journal of the Coalition of Essential Schools, was published from 1989–2009 to demonstrate the strength and expertise of the CES network, explore challenges that Essential schools faced, and serve as evidence of the effectiveness of the CES movement to transform the lives of young people and adults, schools, communities, school systems, and the larger environment in which schools operate.
The CES School Benchmarks are designed to address the challenge of helping schools translate the Coalition’s guiding tenets, the Common Principles, into practice by describing what the work of the Coalition “looks like.” The benchmarks are divided into two categories—Classroom Practices and Organizational Practices. Classroom Practices are focused on instruction and address the question “What does a CES classroom look like?” by sharing how each practice is reflected in teacher work and student outcomes. Organizational Practices are those school-wide practices that support and enable the Classroom Practices.
CES videos feature excerpts from past Fall Forum gatherings and from the CES EssentialVisions DVD series.