The CES EssentialVisions videos were released by the Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) from 2005-2007 to demonstrate CES’s Common Principles in action in a range of high schools. We have put the entire EssentialVisions video collection online so educators everywhere can access this valuable resource.
Each set of videos is aligned with a professional development toolkit. Used together, the videos and the toolkit provide valuable professional learning among educators working toward creating and sustaining equitable, personalized, and academically challenging schools for all children in all communities.
Coalition of Essential Schools EssentialVisions: Classroom Practice
The Classroom Practice videos focus on two Common Principles: “Less is More, Depth over Coverage” and “Student as Worker, Teacher as Coach.” Hosted by Dr. Pedro Noguera, these videos feature classroom scenes and in-depth interviews from staff, students and families from New York City’s School of the Future and Devens, Massachusetts’ Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School.
→ Link to Classroom Practice videos:
→ Link to Classroom Practice PDF toolkit:
Coalition of Essential Schools EssentialVisions: Student Achievement
The Student Achievement videos focus on “Personalization,” “Demonstration of Mastery,” and “Commitment to the Entire School.” Hosted by Nancy Faust Sizer, these videos feature classroom scenes and in-depth interviews from staff, students and families from Houston’s Empowerment College Preparatory High School, Boston Arts Academy, and Quest High School in Humble, Texas.
→ Link to Student Achievement videos:
→ Link to Student Achievement PDF toolkit:
Coalition of Essential Schools EssentialVisions: School Culture
The Classroom Practice videos focus on “A Tone of Decency and Trust,” “Goals Apply to All Students,” “Democracy and Equity,” and “Resources Dedicated to Teaching and Learning.” Hosted by Dr. Dennis Littky, these videos feature classroom scenes and in-depth interviews from staff, students and families from Albuquerque’s Amy Biehl High School, Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center in Estes Park, CO, Boston’s Fenway High School, and the Tyee Educational Complex in SeaTac, WA.
→ Link to School Culture videos:
→ Link to School Culture PDF toolkit:
And more..
We also have a small collection of videos created during the 2011 Fall Forum:
Watch this space for more CES-related videos as the Year of Demonstration progresses!