How CES Can Help

Schools seeking help with implementing the Ten Common Principles can find help through the Coalition of Essential Schools in a variety of ways:

1. The new CES School Benchmarks spell out detailed “indicators” for how the Ten Common Principles play out in school structures and practices. To obtain the latest working copy, contact Joe Pattaphongse by e-mail at, or telephone 510-433-1451.

2.The CES Web site ( posts publications, discussion groups, and a “field book” of examples from Essential schools in action.

3. Ten years of the CES journal Horace have been published as The Collected Horace in five spiral-bound volumes, arranged by theme for easy reference. Volume 3, titled School Structure and Design, includes issues on small schools; new schools; getting reform started; reform in elementary schools; “what works, what doesn’t”; heterogeneous grouping; school-to-work; advisory groups; schedules; school culture; student roles in reform; equity issues in school design; and research supporting Essential School ideas. To order Volume 3, print out and send in this form.

4. School coaching by experienced consultants is available through both the CES national office and CES Regional Centers. For more information, telephone Torrey Strohmeier at 510-433-1915 or e-mail

5. The Trek, a year-long guided journey for school teams in the process of change, is offered by, among others, CES Regional Centers in Indiana (812-856-8216), Ohio (614-855-7331), Missouri (816-453-7733), Florida (954-382-6260), New Jersey (732-445-2071), and the San Francisco Bay Area (510-208-0160).For more information, contact the appropriate Center.

6. School Design and Leadership Institutes in the summer and during the school year are sponsored by CES national offices (510-433-1451) and by the Michigan Regional Center (517-780-9814, e-mail