Assessing Creativity

How do you evaluate a student’s artisitc expression? Parker School arts and humanities teachers drafted these common “criteria for excellence,” then used them to create holistic rubrics with which to assess creative work in each of the school’s two-year Divisions.

– You develop your own message. (Note: The message could be the medium.)
– You use an art form (visual art, music, dance/movement, drama, writing, other) that communicates your message.
– You research your message and art form and apply it to your process. ?? You gather the materials you need.
– You plan your process.

– Your art work has an impact on its audience.
– You use the techniques of your art form effectively.
– You can answer questions about your art work and process.

– You plan and manage your time effectively.
– Your plan is open to inspiration and suggestion.
– You complete your plan.
– You get feedback from others.
– You revise as necessary.
– You reflect on your art work, process, and presentation.