Coalition Materials That Can Support the Change Effort


A Feeling of Uneasiness: An English Teacher in the Midst of Change, by P. A. Wasley. (TC1)
Trusting Kids and Their Voices: A Humanities Teacher in the Midst of Change, by P.A. Wasley. (TC2)
A Formula for Making a Difference: A Math Teacher in the Midst of Change, by P.A. Wasley. (TC3)
Stirring the Chalkdust: Three Teachers in the Midst of Change, by P. A. Wasley. (TC4)
An Annotated Bibliography of School Change: Updated (1992) and Indexed, by P. A. Wasley et al. (SC1)


Three Pictures of an Exhibition, by J. McDonald. (EX1)
Dilemmas of Planning Backwards, by J. McDonald. (EX3)
Exhibitions: Facing Outward, Pointing Inward, by J. McDonald. (EX4)
Steps in Planning Backwards, by J. McDonald. (EX5)
Anatomy of an Exhibition, by J. B. Podl and M. Metzger. (EX6)
The Process of Planning Backwards, by J. B. Podl and Faculty from Three Essential Schools. (EX7)
Standards and School Reform: Asking the Essential Questions, by J. McDonald, B. Rogers, and T. R Sizer. (EX8)


Findings from the Field: A Five Year Study of the Coalition of Essential Schools, by D. Muncey and P. McQuillan. (SEP3)
Teachers Talk about Coalition Reforms at Their Schools, by D. Muncey and P. McQuillan. (SEP7)
Change Takes Time, by D. Muncey and P. McQuillan. (SEP10)