For More Information on Integrated Curriculum

James Beane, Affect in the Curriculum: Toward Democracy, Dignity, and Diversity. New York: Teachers College Press, 1990. Focuses on integrated curriculum in the middle school years.

Howard Gardner, The Unschooled Mind. New York: Basic Books, 1992. A partner with CES in the Atlas project and a leading theorist on assessment and “multiple intelligences.”

Heidi Hayes Jacobs, ed., Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Design and Implementation. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 1989. A pithy short handbook on integrated curriculum; the author is professor of education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Susan Kovalik, Integrated Thematic Instruction (book and tapes). Oak Creek, AZ: Books for Educators, 1993 (tel.   602-284-2389    602-284-2389 ).

Rick Lear, “Curriculum and Essential Schools.” Providence, RI: Coalition of Essential Schools, 1993. The theory and substance of integrated curriculum from the Essential School standpoint.

National Association for Core Curriculum, Bibliography of Research on the Effectiveness of Block-Time, Core, and Interdisciplinary Team Teaching Programs. Kent, OH: NACC, 1984.

L. B. Resnick and L. E. Klopfer, “Toward the Thinking Curriculum: An Overview,” in 1989 ASCD Yearbook. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.


Interactive Math Program, 6400 Hollis St. Suite 5, Emeryville, CA 94608 (tel.    510-658-6400   510-658-6400 ). Linda Witnov, outreach coordinator. Integrates mathematics curricula into a broader context.

Foxfire Teacher Outreach, P.O. Box B., Rabun Gap, GA 30568 (tel.    706-746-5318  706-746-5318 ). Hands-on student projects in the community and classroom characterize this integrated learning approach.

Boston Area Educators for Social Responsibility, 11 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 ( 617-492-8820  617-492-8820 ) produces integrated curricula in math, science, and the humanities with a focus on social and ethical issues.

Technical and Educational Resource Consultancy (TERC), a Cambridge, MA group ( 617-547-0430  617-547-0430 ) producing integrated science and math curricula.