Common Principles for Uncommon Schools

Horace Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2

Classroom Practice: Teaching and Learning Essential Literacy Skills:Horace spotlights the work of Essential school educators skilled in teaching heterogeneous groups while deepening meaning, relevance and academic challenge for all. Download PDF

Collaborative Teacher Leadership: How Teachers Can Foster Equitable Schools

Collaborative Teacher Leadership: How Teachers Can Foster Equitable Schools, by Martin L. Krovetz and Gilberto Arriaza (Corwin Press, 216 pages, $29.95) While Collaborative Teacher Leadership would be a benefit to most schools and school systems that seek ways to improve and institutionalize distributed leadership practices, it seems a particularly good fit for schools that are already incorporating the Common Principles.

Horace: Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2 Published: June 9, 2006 By: Jill Davidson Topics:

Democratically Led Professional Development for Schoolwide Literacy Improvement

Since its inception in 1999, Poland Regional High School and Bruce M. Whittier Middle School (PRHS/BWMS) has been at the forefront of school reform. Some of our programs and structures that help our students learn and grow: our students are grouped heterogeneously, we use a co-teaching model to include our special education population in the mainstream, our advisory program reinforces

Horace: Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2 Published: June 9, 2006 By: Heather Manchester Topics: Instruction

Fun, Easy, and Effective: Sustained Silent Reading as a High School Practice

Recently I gave a tour of Noble High School (NHS) to a visiting teacher. A large rural high school in southern Maine, NHS is divided into three schools-within-a-school called academies. Each academy consists of multiple grade-level small learning communities called teams. As we began walking through the hallways towards one of the learning communities, my visitor turned to me. “I

Horace: Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2 Published: June 9, 2006 By: Kevin Perks Topics:

Go to the Source: More about the Essential Schools Featured in this Issue

Schools Eagle Rock School & Professional Development Center Post Office Box 1770 2750 Notaiah Road Estes Park, Colorado 80517 phone: 970/586-0600 Federal Hocking High School 8461 State Route 144 Stewart, Ohio 45778 phone: 740/662-6691 Monadnock Community Connections School 40 Avon Street Keene, New Hampshire 03431 phone: 603/352-4333 Noble High School 338 Somersworth Road North Berwick, Maine 03906

Horace: Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2 Published: June 9, 2006 By: Topics:

Implementing Cross-Curricular Literacy Strategies in a Democratic School

Federal Hocking High School (FHHS) is in Stewart, Ohio, in the southeastern corner of the state. Considered to be part of Appalachia, the area is a wonderful patchwork of rolling hills and mixed hardwood forest with an abundance of wildlife. It is a beautiful place to live and work. Because the region is sparsely populated, we draw students from a

Horace: Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2 Published: June 9, 2006 By: Ben Warner, Sue Collins Topics: Curriculum

Literacy and Democracy Go Hand in Hand: Teaching and Learning Literacy Skills in a Relevant, Meaningful Context

At Monadnock Community Connections School (MC2), mid-year Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) scores were in. 44 students, five teachers, two tutors, and two parents had accepted the community-wide invitation to join a discussion about the results. To clusters of six to seven students and an adult facilitator, I displayed the first chart of scores, showing that 23% improved, 40% stayed

Horace: Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2 Published: June 9, 2006 By: Kim Carter Topics:

Notes on This Issue

The subtitle of this issue of Horace is “Teacher Voices,” and when you look at the authors listed above, you’ll see that the content for this issue has been written almost entirely by CES educators currently in the classroom. As Horace’s editor, I am delighted and deeply grateful for the hard work that all of these teacher-writers devoted to documenting

Horace: Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2 Published: June 9, 2006 By: Jill Davidson Topics:

Paper Clips

Paper Clips, produced by the Johnson Group in association with Ergo Entertainment (2-disc Special Edition, $24.99; Educational Edition, $79.99) Given the current worldwide political climate, teachers more than ever feel the need to teach tolerance, compassion, and understanding. While there is an abundance of curriculum available for teachers on these topics, educators want to make sure their students “experience” these

Horace: Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2 Published: June 9, 2006 By: Eva A. Frank Topics:

Scientific Literacy through Inquiry: Practicing Scientific Process through Pinhole Photography

and work within the scientific process of examining a situation, developing a testable question, and formulating a reasonable hypothesis. They practice a cycle of testing and reflection where all data and their organization are crucial to the next steps taken. Written records of data and their analysis are invaluable and are the basis for conversations between peers and the instructor.

Horace: Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2 Published: June 9, 2006 By: Allison Godshall, Annie Chien Topics:

The Literacy You Get Is Equal to the Culture You Create

Why do you need to read another article on literacy? Haven’t we been through all this before—in one corner, the argument to structure students’ reading and writing strictly, and in the other, the argument to let students read and write what they want. So why do we feel compelled to add our voices to this cacophony that is the discussion

Horace: Volume 22 | 2006 | Issue 2 Published: June 9, 2006 By: Ann Cook, Phyllis Tashlik Topics: